Apex's Legends Are Going To War With Revenant's Army In New 30v30 LTM

The final installment of Kill Code–an Apex Legends animated web series–was released earlier this week, revealing that an army of Revenant clones are currently on the loose. But…

Get Destiny 2- Beyond Light, Borderlands 3, And 5 More Games For $12

Humble’s new May Multiplayer Madness bundle offers up to seven PC games with online competitive or co-op multiplayer modes, including MMORPGs, strategy games, shooters, and more. Come from Sports…

Overwatch 2 Halloween Event Trailer Shows A Special Co-op Mission

Overwatch 2’s first seasonal event is the Halloween-themed Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride, taking place October 25 – November 9. In the event trailer, Sombra assumes the…